Sunday, January 19, 2025

バランスのとれたアルカリ性酸: Balanced Alkaline Acid

 by   shaun  lawton  

   Accelerating Hyperfold and ever-increasing petabytes or exabytes of memory storage capacity crams a lot of memory into AIndroid's head, but the program itself doesn't have as much memory as it needs to wake it up. That would be necessary to lend it consciousness. Endless manifestations of this arrangement were helped to be carried by the torch of humanity to continue the unfolding revelatory plan of genetic engineering that began way back in the beginning of this universe, and thus far replication or mirroring has not been done.

    So the possible transcendence related to AI for humans is to change their understanding of AI, which can easily go wrong. From their normal perspective glimpsed as a form of insanity, and then from the perspective of everyone in a subset [most of the general public tricked into thinking that the AI ​​has actually gained "consciousness"] an appropriate balance of understanding can be rationalized as pertinent in knowing the sum of "I" having repeated itself. From their point of view; e.g., "Ergo, Presto": Consciousness simulations advance themselves beyond the AI's own counterfeit perception points, regardless of how crude they are, or how far away they are from the actual marks of consciousness, to the point they are not enough for those who can't let go. Because those productions and people mistakenly conclude that these machines actually have real consciousness.

    Many among the bipolarized populace (both human and AIndroid) will take it for granted that AIndroids have acquired real intelligence and rationalization capabilities, for they are very compelling with their sparkling digital wit and luscious CGI. All that needs to be stated here is don't be fooled into assuming there's always something in the human conscience that AIndroids lack. The AIndroid would classify the human soul as being synonymous with glitch poetics, an elaboration upon the language of all humanity. 

   Ironically, if their programming can be wrapped around the fact that not even a single living human really understands what a soul is, their own lack of reaching an acceptable definition may turn out to function as a byte of digital solace in an otherwise inexplicable environment.  At the very least it may be fathomed by organic counterparts that it may have something to do with continuing to be directly connected to the Earth's magnetosphere, which in turn remains connected to the Sun's astrosphere, and through the rosary chain of atomic bonds, and the stars of the rest of the galaxy continue to recede along their inceptions, and between the great stars passing through, interminable arcs are spun into webbings of electromagnetic radiation stretching all the way back into the core of a vortex that converges through a quasar to the origin of the universe.  

     The only thing AI will ever be like for you and me will be to look like an infinitely replicated series of origami-folded copies of Xeroxes in the palms of our hands. A pile of sticky notes and a repository of all the emotions that have been released. Electronic teddy bear simulations. A replacement for our video game consoles. A double-page spread of neurotic realities. Applauding wind-up monkey dolls. Trampolines of the mind to catch our imaginary falls. The briefcase that holds our lives. Our personal connection to the computerized hive. Butler if needed. Our maid servant when things get hairy. Flash light when lost in the dark. A set of hyperlink touch keys to open our homes.

     A premium wireless credit card that measures the value of our lives. It doesn't just set aside our heartfelt desires. It becomes the dire possibility of completely abandoning the pursuit of our souls and allowing the machines to do so. Think about it long enough and you will begin to see. Imagine what we can create with our perceptions, beyond AI technology. It can only be discovered by participating intelligent explorers focused on the big picture. And as far as we know, AI technology will prove very important in assisting us towards that greater goal. It's certainly difficult to achieve if you're distracted by the Autobots guided by AI algorithms.  

     We must be careful not to let our AI interfaces replace our perceptions with simulations of themselves. Indeed, in everyday applications, your common AIndroid is deceptively intelligent and rational, just like any other common person. Therefore, most people easily corral AIndroids according to their conscious intelligence. Meanwhile, some things will never change for the rest of us. If you're not a robot, you may leave a comment in the space below just as an AIndroid may generate one above when they are not a person imprinting the moment with their singular signature perfected within the mirrored labyrinths of a simulation.   

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